Głowacki, M., Jackson, L. (2019), Organisational Culture of Public Service Media: People, Values, Processes. Project Report. Warsaw and London.
Publication online, see Findings section click here.
Głowacki, M., Jaskiernia, A. (eds.) (2017), Public Service Media Renewal: Adaptation to Digital Network Challenges, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang Publishing.
This book analyses the adaptivity of public service media (PSM) to the digital network age. The authors use specific case studies and research initiatives, involving a variety of methodological and theoretical approaches, to argue that current changes in media and society offer a wide range of possibilities for PSM renewal. Changes in PSM are analysed through the lenses of shifts in users’ behavior and the growing importance of big data, machine mediation and developing partnership systems alongside other agents in the overall media ecology. The authors map the potential mental, regulatory, institutional and financial indicators which might restrict the ways in which PSM adapts. They argue that PSM renewal is possible as long as PSM policy-makers and managers both recognize and understand the drivers for, and obstacles to, change.
Głowacki, M., Jackson, L. (eds.) (2014), Public Media Management for the Twenty–First Century: Creativity, Innovation, and Interaction, New York, London: Routledge.
This book analyzes the challenges facing public service media management in the face of ongoing technological developments and changing audience behaviors. It connects models, strategies, concepts and managerial theories with emerging approaches to public practices through an examination of media services (e.g. blogs, social networks, search engines, content aggregators) and the online performance of traditional public media organizations. Contributors identify the most relevant and useful approaches, those likely to encourage creativity, interaction, and the development of innovative content and services, and discuss such innovation can uderpin the continuation or expansion of public service media in the changing mediascape.
Selected journal articles and book chapters:
Głowacki, M. (2021), Public Service Media in the Context of Adaptation and Change: A Call for Organizational Culture Analysis, [in:] T. Jusić, D. Marko, L. Castro Herrero and M. Puppis (eds.), Up in the Air? The Future of Public Service Media in the Western Balkans. Budapest: Central European University Press, 207–218.
Głowacki, M. (2020), Pasts, Presents and Futures of Public Service Media: The Challenges of Adaptation and Change in the Age of Data, Communication Today, Vol. 11/2: 105-117.
Jackson, L. (2020), Datafication, Fluidity and Organisational Change. Towards a Universal PSM 3.0. In: P. Savage, M. Medina and G. F. Lowe (eds.), Universalism in Public Service Media. Gothenburg: NORDICOM, 207–222.
Głowacki, M. (2020), The Fabric of Creative Cultures: How Creative Clusters Connect with their Neighbourhood in Warsaw's Districts of Praga. In: M. Komorowski, I. Picone (eds.), Creative Clusters Development: Governance, Place-Making and Entrepreneurship. Routledge: Regional Studies Association, 145–155.
Jackson, L. (2020), Models of Co-working in the Downtown Toronto Innovation Districts. In: M. Komorowski, I. Picone (eds.), Creative Clusters Development: Governance, Place-Making and Entrepreneurship. Routledge: Regional Studies Association.
Jackson, L., and M. Głowacki (2019), Watching People: Observations. In: H. Van Del Bulck, M. Puppis, K. Donders, L. Audenhove (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Methods for Media Policy Research. Palgrave Macmillan, 215–231.
Jackson, L. (2017),The potential of machine mediation in the maintenance of public service media. In: M. Głowacki, and A. Jaskiernia (eds.), Public Service Media Renewal: Adaptation to Digital Network Challenges,Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang Publishing, 135–154.
Głowacki, M. (2017), Public Service Media Ecology: Tallinn, Estonia. In: M. Głowacki, and A. Jaskiernia (eds.), Public Service Media Renewal: Adaptation to Digital Network Challenges, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang Publishing, 61–80.
Głowacki, M. (2016), It’s Just the Starting Point! ORF Public Value Report - TEXTE “Why Independence Matters”: 12–14.
Jackson, L. (2016), Finding Public Service Media in a Global Mediascape. In: G.F. Lowe, and N. Yamamoto (eds.), Crossing Borders and Boundaries in Public Service Media, Gothenburg: Nordicom, 185–200.
Głowacki, M. (2015), Governance of Public Service Media in Poland: The Role of the Public, Media and Communication, Volume 3, no.4: 26–34.
Jackson, L. (2014), Participating Publics: Implications for Production Practices at the BBC. In: M. Głowacki, and L. Jackson (eds.), Public Media Management for the Twenty-First Century: Creativity, Innovation, and Interaction, New York and London: Routledge, 234–250.
Głowacki, M. (2014), New Public+New Media=New Leadership? The Council of Europe’s Approach to Governance in Public Service Media, In: M. Głowacki, L. Jackson (eds.), Public Media Management for the Twenty-First Century: Creativity, Innovation, and Interaction, New York, London: Routledge, 181–197.
Jackson, L. (2010), Facilitating Participatory Audiences: Sociable Media Theory and Public Service Media. In: G.F. Lowe, (ed.), The Public in Public Service Media, Gothenburg: Nordicom.
Publications about the project:
Jackson, L., Głowacki, M. (2019), Creative Media Clusters - Findings, MediaRoad project
Głowacki, M., Jackson, L. (2018), Towards Advanced Media Ecologies, MediaRoad project.
Głowacki, M. (2017), Ein Ruf nach grundlegenden Veranderungen (A call for fundamental changes), European Journalism Observatory (German Edition).
Jackson, L., Głowacki, M. (2017), Public Service Media: How to Reach the Youth?, Media Power Monitor.